Friday, March 7, 2014

Campbell Coaling tower competed

I finally finished this build. Took a little over 2 months of part time work. This and the Sargent's roundhouse are 2 of the main structures I need for my engine terminal 2'x5' diorama. I'll build a few small "support" structures soon. My next major project will be a 3'x6' waterfront diorama.

Here are the final pics.I'll get back to this whenI get the replacement Wather's turntable.

The 2 brass rods are for lighting the interior of the hoist house

I put coal in the pit before putting in the grates, used diluted white glue to hold the coal down.

This was a fun and interesting build, but I'm happy it's done. This was a 2 bottles of scotch project!